Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Attention! One Month to Go Until 1st National RSOL Conference

Next month at this time I will be on my way to Boston, for the 1st (of many I hope) National RSOL Conference. I have three others signed up already. Others have said they wanted to go but haven't confirmed they registered yet. Conference information follows.
NATIONAL RSOL CONFERENCE - July 10 & ll, two sites, Boston and Texas, linked by video. Keynote speakers in Boston, national experts, Dr. Fred Berlin and Dr. Jerome Miller, in Texas, Atty. William Habern. Other experts and panels on issues of importance for sex offender law reform. A closed conference, only for RSOL signatories and non-signatory participants, and RSOL affiliated state group participants. See MONTHLY MESSAGE BELOW for full description and conference goals. Registration, $20 if you can (more if possible) - send full true name, address, email, phone numbers (and a cell phone for use at the conference), and your ¨designation¨ in RSOL records, checks payable to Paul Shannon, c/o Indochina Newsletter,2161 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140.
Members of CFC Maine can simply indicate they are members here rather then have to Join RSOL. Also note Dr. Jill Levenson will be speaking. Others speaking are Ricky's Mom Mary, state organizers, myself included, and members of other groups involved in this fight to change Registry laws and all the other laws that have spun off from the Registry. This is very important and attending is vital. We need to band together face to face, online is nice but their is something about building relationships one on one. This fight is going to be a long one and we need to support and learn from each other. Please join us, if you are thinking about coming please come, also if you are worried about costs we are arranging car pools and sharing hotel rooms. Please contact me at

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