Sunday, January 24, 2010

Website Debute

I am pleased to announce that we now have a website. Please note it is still under construction. Check back often to watch us grow. www.

Schedule for the Upcoming Week


Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee

Week of January 25th, 2010

Monday: 25th

10:00am PH

L.D. 1703 Resolve, To Implement the Recommendations of the Juvenile Justice Task Force

L.D. 1700 An Act Concerning Statewide Communications Interoperability

1:00pm WS

L.D. 1522 An Act To Streamline the Renewal Process for a Permit To Carry a Firearm

L.D. 1497 An Act To Amend the Law Pertaining to Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

L.D. 1590 An Act To Update and Clarify Polygraph Examiner and Private Investigator Licensing Laws Administered by the Department of Public Safety

L.D. 1610 An Act To Establish the Silver Alert Program

Tuesday: 26th

House/Senate 10:00 AM

1:00 p.m. WS

L.D. 568 An Act To Amend the Sex Offender Registration Laws (SORNA)

Wednesday: 27th

House/Senate 10:00 am

1:00 p.m. WS

SBOC report and budget discussion

WS re MEMA, DPS and MEMA Supp. Budgets

Thursday: 28th

House/Senate 10:00 am

1:00 p.m. WS

L.D. 568 An Act To Amend the Sex Offender Registration Laws (SORNA)

Friday: 29th

10:00 a.m. WS

L.D. 1583 An Act To Improve the Delivery of Community Corrections Services

L.D. 1588 An Act To Change the Penalties for Writing Bad Checks

L.D. 1609 An Act To Expand the Use of Ignition Interlock Devices

L.D. 1612 An Act To Amend the Laws Regarding the Unlawful Use of License or Identification Card

L.D. 1576 An Act To Improve the Ability of the Commissioner of Corrections To Respond in an Emergency

L.D. 1700 An Act Concerning Statewide Communications Interoperability

L.D. 1531 An Act To Update Laws Regulating the Maine Emergency Management Agency

2:30 p.m. Report back to AFA re MEMA, DPS and MEMA Supp. Budgets (Room 228 SH)

Note that the sessions we are concerned with are on Tuesday and Thursday @ 1pm. It is so important for us to show up at everyone of these public sessions. I will be there as oten as I can.